The principal reasons for favoring breast feeding are the following:-

1.     Breast feeding is especially adapted to the nutritional requirements of the human infant.

Since it comes directly from mother’s breast to baby, it is fresh and free from any infection.

2.     Breast milk contains antibodies that protect the child from disease during the early weeks of life.

3.     Intimate contact between mother and child provides an emotional security for the child giving a favorable start in personality development.

4.     It is clear from the table that mother milk is biochemically, metabolically, nutritionally and immunologically well composed for the infants.

5.     Especially the yellowish liquid (Colostrum) which appears for the first two or three days after birth helps to protect the baby against common infection.

As compared to cow’s milk mother’s milk is more easily digested by the infants. The biochemical analysis of human milk, cow milk and human colostrum has been given in the table. It clearly indicates the superiority of human milk in every respect.

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