It has been observed by the nutritionists and health professionals that one of the main causes of malnutrition and death in the children is the decline in habitual practice of breast feeding and too early substitution for, or supplementation of breast milk by infant formula (powdered milk) and other feeds. A baby under the age of 6 months who is bottle fed or on infant formula is approximately three times as likely to fall ill and three times as likely to die than a baby who is breast fed.

Breast feeding is a unique biological, social and emotional basis of child development and also form the basis for its mature personality and health adjustment to society.

Psychologically a mother feels a real satisfaction to breast feed her own child. The children learn faster in the first months of their life. At first a baby’s eyes focus to bent on objects about 30 cm away. This is the distance between the face of baby and the mother when she feeds or cuddles him in her arms. The experience of breast feeding means more than just supplying a small persons stomach with needed nourishment. The smell and taste, the cuddling and warmth the site of the face and sound of her voice all build up the concept of mother in baby’s brain.

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